[crypto-connect label=”Connect to Login” class=”fl-button fl-is-info fl-is-light”]
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install pkg-config curl git build-essential libssl-dev libclang-dev cmake
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env
rustc --version
rustup toolchain install nightly
rustup default nightly
git clone --branch testnet https://github.com/massalabs/massa.git
sudo nano massa/massa-node/config/config.toml
# Logging level. High log levels might impact performance. 0: ERROR, 1: WARN, 2: INFO, 3: DEBUG, 4: TRACE
level = 2[api]
# max number of future periods considered during requests
draw_lookahead_period_count = 10
# port on which the node API listens for admin and node management requests. Dangerous if publicly exposed. Bind to "[::1]:port" for IPv6
bind_private = ""
# port on which the node API listens for public requests. Can be exposed to the Internet. Bind to "[::]:port" for IPv6
bind_public = ""
# port on which the node API(V2) listens for HTTP requests and WebSockets subscriptions. Can be exposed to the Internet. Bind to "[::]:port" for IPv6
bind_api = ""
# max number of arguments per RPC call
max_arguments = 128
# path to the openrpc specification file used in `rpc.discover` method
openrpc_spec_path = "base_config/openrpc.json"
# maximum size in bytes of a request
max_request_body_size = 52428800
# maximum size in bytes of a response
max_response_body_size = 52428800
# maximum number of incoming connections allowed
max_connections = 100
# maximum number of subscriptions per connection
max_subscriptions_per_connection = 1024
# max length for logging for requests and responses. Logs bigger than this limit will be truncated
max_log_length = 4096
# host filtering
allow_hosts = []
# whether batch requests are supported by this server or not
batch_requests_supported = true
# the interval at which `Ping` frames are submitted in milliseconds
ping_interval = 60000
# whether to enable HTTP.
enable_http = true
# whether to enable WS.
enable_ws = false
# whether to broadcast for blocks, endorsements and operations
enable_broadcast = false[grpc]
# whether to enable gRPC
enabled = false
# whether to add HTTP 1 layer
accept_http1 = false
# whether to enable CORS. works only if `accept_http1` is true
enable_cors = false
# whether to enable gRPC health service
enable_health = true
# whether to enable gRPC reflection(introspection)
enable_reflection = true
# bind for the Massa gRPC API
bind = ""
# which compression encodings does the server accept for requests
accept_compressed = "Gzip"
# which compression encodings might the server use for responses
send_compressed = "Gzip"
# limits the maximum size of a decoded message. Defaults to 50MB
max_decoding_message_size = 52428800
# limits the maximum size of an encoded message. Defaults to 50MB
max_encoding_message_size = 52428800
# limits the maximum size of streaming channel
max_channel_size = 128
# set a timeout on for all request handlers in seconds. Defaults to 60s
timeout = 60
# sets the maximum frame size to use for HTTP2(must be within 16,384 and 16,777,215). Defaults to 16MB
max_frame_size = 16777215
# set the concurrency limit applied to on requests inbound per connection. Defaults to 32
concurrency_limit_per_connection = 32
# sets the SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS spec option for HTTP2 connections
max_concurrent_streams = 1024
# set the value of `TCP_NODELAY` option for accepted connections. Enabled by default
tcp_nodelay = true
# max number of future periods considered during requests
draw_lookahead_period_count = 10
# The maximum number of block IDs that can be included in a single request
max_block_ids_per_request = 50
# max number of operation ids that can be included in a single request
max_operation_ids_per_request = 250[execution]
# max number of generated events kept in RAM
max_final_events = 10000
# maximum length of the read-only execution requests queue
readonly_queue_length = 10
# by how many milliseconds shoud the execution lag behind real time
# higher values increase speculative execution lag but improve performance
cursor_delay = 2000
# duration of the statistics time window in milliseconds
stats_time_window_duration = 60000
# maximum allowed gas for read only executions
max_read_only_gas = 100_000_000
# gas cost for ABIs
abi_gas_costs_file = "base_config/gas_costs/abi_gas_costs.json"
# gas cost for wasm operator
wasm_gas_costs_file = "base_config/gas_costs/wasm_gas_costs.json"
# path to the initial vesting file
initial_vesting_path = "base_config/initial_vesting.json"
# path to the hard drive cache storage
hd_cache_path = "storage/cache/rocks_db"
# maximum number of entries we want to keep in the LRU cache
# in the worst case scenario this is equivalent to 2Gb
lru_cache_size = 200
# maximum number of entries we want to keep in the HD cache
# in the worst case scenario this is equivalent to 20Gb
hd_cache_size = 2000
# amount of entries removed when `hd_cache_size` is reached
snip_amount = 10
# slot execution outputs channel capacity
broadcast_slot_execution_output_channel_capacity = 5000[ledger]
# path to the initial ledger
initial_ledger_path = "base_config/initial_ledger.json"
# path to the disk ledger db directory
disk_ledger_path = "storage/ledger/rocks_db"
# length of the changes history. Higher values allow bootstrapping nodes with slower connections
final_history_length = 100[consensus]
# max number of previously discarded blocks kept in RAM
max_discarded_blocks = 100
# if a block is at least future_block_processing_max_periods periods in the future, it is just discarded
future_block_processing_max_periods = 100
# max number of blocks in the future kept in RAM
max_future_processing_blocks = 400
# max number of blocks waiting for dependencies
max_dependency_blocks = 2048
# number of final periods that must be kept at all times (increase to more resilience to short network disconnections, high values will increase RAM usage.)
force_keep_final_periods = 10# max milliseconds to wait while sending an event before dropping it
max_send_wait = 0
# useless blocks are pruned every block_db_prune_interval ms
block_db_prune_interval = 5000# considered timespan for stats info
stats_timespan = 60000
# max number of item returned per query
max_item_return_count = 100# blocks headers channel capacity
broadcast_blocks_headers_channel_capacity = 128
# blocks channel capacity
broadcast_blocks_channel_capacity = 128
# filled blocks channel capacity
broadcast_filled_blocks_channel_capacity = 128[protocol]
# port on which to listen for protocol communication. You may need to change this to "" if IPv6 is disabled system-wide.
bind = "[::]:31244"
# timeout for connection establishment
connect_timeout = 3000
# path to the node key (not the staking key)
keypair_file = "config/node_privkey.key"
# path to the initial peers file
initial_peers_file = "base_config/initial_peers.json"
# Limit of read/write number of bytes per second with a peer (Should be a 10 multiple)
read_write_limit_bytes_per_second = 2_000_000_000
# timeout after which without answer a hanshake is ended
message_timeout = 5000
# timeout after whick we consider a node does not have the block we asked for
ask_block_timeout = 10000
# max cache size for which blocks our node knows about
max_known_blocks_size = 1024
# max cache size for which blocks a foreign node knows about
max_node_known_blocks_size = 1024
# max cache size for which blocks a foreign node asked for
max_node_wanted_blocks_size = 1024
# max number of blocks we can ask simultaneously per node
max_simultaneous_ask_blocks_per_node = 128
# max milliseconds to wait while sending an event before dropping it
max_send_wait = 0
# max cache size for which operations your node knows about
max_known_ops_size = 2000000
# max cache size for which operations a foreign node knows about
max_node_known_ops_size = 200000
# max cache size for which endorsements our node knows about
max_known_endorsements_size = 2048
# max cache size for which endorsements a foreign node knows about
max_node_known_endorsements_size = 2048
# maximum number of batches in the memory buffer.
# dismiss the new batches if overflow
operation_batch_buffer_capacity = 10024
# immediately announce ops if overflow
operation_announcement_buffer_capacity = 2000
# start processing batches in the buffer each `operation_batch_proc_period` in millisecond
operation_batch_proc_period = 500
# all operations asked are prune each `operation_asked_pruning_period` millisecond
asked_operations_pruning_period = 100000
# interval at which operations are announced in batches.
operation_announcement_interval = 300
# max number of operation per message, same as network param but can be smaller
max_operations_per_message = 1024
# Number of millis seconds between each try out connections
try_connection_timer = 5000
# Number of millis seconds that create a timeout for out connections
timeout_connection = 1000
# time threshold after which operation are not propagated
max_operations_propagation_time = 32000
# time threshold after which endorsement are not propagated
max_endorsements_propagation_time = 48000
# number of thread tester
thread_tester_count = 5
# Peer default category limits
default_category_info = { target_out_connections = 10, max_in_connections_per_ip = 2, max_in_connections_pre_handshake = 100, max_in_connections_post_handshake = 15}
# Peer categories limits
Bootstrap = { target_out_connections = 1, max_in_connections_per_ip = 1, max_in_connections_pre_handshake = 8, max_in_connections_post_handshake = 1}[network][bootstrap]
# list of bootstrap (ip, node id)
bootstrap_list = [
["", "N12UbyLJDS7zimGWf3LTHe8hYY67RdLke1iDRZqJbQQLHQSKPW8j"],
["", "N12vxrYTQzS5TRzxLfFNYxn6PyEsphKWkdqx2mVfEuvJ9sPF43uq"],
["", "N12rPDBmpnpnbECeAKDjbmeR19dYjAUwyLzsa8wmYJnkXLCNF28E"],
["", "N1XxexKa3XNzvmakNmPawqFrE9Z2NFhfq1AhvV1Qx4zXq5p1Bp9"],
["", "N1qxuqNnx9kyAMYxUfsYiv2gQd5viiBX126SzzexEdbbWd2vQKu"],
["", "N1hdgsVsd4zkNp8cF1rdqqG6JPRQasAmx12QgJaJHBHFU1fRHEH"],
["", "N1gEdBVEbRFbBxBtrjcTDDK9JPbJFDay27uiJRE3vmbFAFDKNh7"],
["", "N13Ykon8Zo73PTKMruLViMMtE2rEG646JQ4sCcee2DnopmVM3P5"],
["[2001:41d0:1004:67::]:31245", "N12UbyLJDS7zimGWf3LTHe8hYY67RdLke1iDRZqJbQQLHQSKPW8j"],
["[2001:41d0:a:7f7d::]:31245", "N12vxrYTQzS5TRzxLfFNYxn6PyEsphKWkdqx2mVfEuvJ9sPF43uq"],
["[2001:41d0:602:db1::]:31245", "N1gEdBVEbRFbBxBtrjcTDDK9JPbJFDay27uiJRE3vmbFAFDKNh7"],
["[2001:41d0:602:21e4::]:31245", "N13Ykon8Zo73PTKMruLViMMtE2rEG646JQ4sCcee2DnopmVM3P5"],
# force the bootstrap protocol to use: "IPv4", "IPv6", or "Both". Defaults to using both protocols.
bootstrap_protocol = "Both"
# path to the bootstrap whitelist file. This whitelist define IPs that can bootstrap on your node.
bootstrap_whitelist_path = "base_config/bootstrap_whitelist.json"
# path to the bootstrap blacklist file. This whitelist define IPs that will not be able to bootstrap on your node. This list is optional.
bootstrap_blacklist_path = "base_config/bootstrap_blacklist.json"
# [optional] port on which to listen for incoming bootstrap requests. You may need to change this to "" if IPv6 is disabled system-wide.
bind = "[::]:31245"
# timeout to establish a bootstrap connection
connect_timeout = 15000
# timeout for providing the bootstrap to a connection
bootstrap_timeout = 1200000
# delay in milliseconds to wait between consecutive bootstrap attempts
retry_delay = 60000
# if ping is too high bootstrap will be interrupted after max_ping milliseconds
max_ping = 10000
# timeout for incoming message readout
read_timeout = 100000
# timeout for message sending
write_timeout = 100000
# timeout for incoming error message readout
read_error_timeout = 200
# timeout for message error sending
write_error_timeout = 200
# max allowed difference between client and servers clocks in ms
max_clock_delta = 5000
# [server] data is cached for cache duration milliseconds
cache_duration = 15000
# max number of simulataneous bootstraps for server
max_simultaneous_bootstraps = 2
# max size of recently bootstrapped IP cache
ip_list_max_size = 10000
# refuse consecutive bootstrap attempts from a given IP when the interval between them is lower than per_ip_min_interval milliseconds
per_ip_min_interval = 180000
# read-write limitation for a connection in bytes per seconds (about the bootstrap specifically)
max_bytes_read_write = 20_000_000.0[pool]
# max number of operations kept per thread
max_pool_size_per_thread = 25000
# if an operation is too much in the future it will be ignored
max_operation_future_validity_start_periods = 100
# max number of endorsements kept
max_endorsement_count = 10000
# max number of items returned per query
max_item_return_count = 100
# endorsements channel capacity
broadcast_endorsements_channel_capacity = 2000
# operations channel capacity
broadcast_operations_channel_capacity = 5000[selector]
# path to the initial roll distribution
initial_rolls_path = "base_config/initial_rolls.json"[factory]
# initial delay in milliseconds to wait before starting production to avoid double staking on node restart
initial_delay = 100
# path to your staking wallet
staking_wallet_path = "config/staking_wallet.dat"
#内容写入结束 Ctrl+X保存
cd massa/massa-node/
screen -dmS node
screen -x -S node -p 0 -X stuff "RUST_BACKTRACE =full cargo run --release -- -p 88888888|& tee logs.txt"
screen -x -S node -p 0 -X stuff $'\n'
cd $HOME
cd massa/massa-client/
cargo run --release
cargo run -- --wallet wallet.dat
cargo run -- --wallet wallet.dat
#Massa Labs 官方Discord,进入#testnet-faucet 频道并发送你的钱包地址
node_start_staking 钱包地址
buy_rolls 钱包地址 1 0
cd $HOME
cd massa/massa-node/config
nano config.toml
routable_ip = "ipv4"
cd $home
cd massa/massa-client/
cargo run -- --wallet wallet.dat
进官方不和谐 并执行下图所示的操作:
比如:node_testnet_rewards_program_ownership_proof rDmAJR7wRrPiYVrxmTsRFiKbkhDXCJeYagFTj5AaeD31zooBy 913370747924275211
cd massa/massa-client/
cargo run -- --wallet wallet.dat
node_testnet_rewards_program_ownership_proof XXXXXXX 73742835
在机器人massabot回复“ info”查询你的分数